MAG calls on Local Authorities across the UK to take part in research into allowing motorcycles to use Advanced Stop Lines at junctions

TRL is conducting an experimental study on behalf of the Department for Transport into the effects of permitting motorcycles to use Advanced Stop Lines (ASLs)- at present only bicycles are permitted to use them.

This research project aims to realise the implications of allowing such practice and will also help to inform new government guidance on this topic.

The study will involve a three day video survey, beginning in September, which will observe the interactions between motorcyclists and cyclists at existing ASL sites. The study will also consider how the ASL space is currently used and respected by other road users. The junctions will then be modified to permit motorcycles access to the ASL.

TRL intend to survey 12 ASL sites across the country with a variety of different characteristics. ASLs at junctions where there are high flows of both motorcycles and cycles and relatively high turning proportions are of particular interest. It is also desirable that the motorcycles and bicycles use the junction at the same time and need to travel in different directions. This will ensure that any conclusions drawn from the study are widely applicable to ASLs throughout the country and assist in developing general guidance that will be published by the Department for Transport.

MAG Campaigns Manager, David Short says, ” A major factor in motorcycle safety is creating space between motorcyclists and other road users. The major successes in getting motorcycles in bus lanes is one such example and this study into allowing motorbikes to use advanced stop lines is a further example of how seriously the Department of Transport is taking motorcyclists views on how to improve road safety. MAG urges those local authorities who have introduced advanced stop lines at junctions to take part in this study and make a positive contribution to road safety.


Notes to Editors;

  1. David Short can be contacted on 07738 948080
  2. In 2005 the Department for Transport (DfT) published The Government’s Motorcycling Strategy. This identifies that “we have to recognise that motorcyclists are our most vulnerable road users”, and acknowledges that local authorities can play an important role in mainstreaming motorcycling. In July 2008 the DfT published The Government’s Motorcycling Strategy: Revised Action Plan. This states that: “Many transport plans include policies and interventions related to motorcycling to help deliver policy priorities”.  On local roads the responsibility for highway design lies with local authorities. To fulfil this responsibility, ASLs are increasingly being provided at signalised junctions to provide a safer place for pedal cyclists to wait, especially when turning right.
  3. If you work for a local authority and have a potential site for inclusion within this research  please contact TRL directly or complete the following questionnaire:
  4. ‘Questionnaire for Authorities to complete’

Please contact or send questionnaire replies to
Sandra Woodjetts  01344 770721