MAG defends motorcycle ownership with no strings attached.

MAG defends riders' right to modify the motorcycles they own.
Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is set to oppose restrictions on the rights of motorcycle owners to modify their own property.  Highlighting a new Government consultation, MAG warns of the potential end of motorcycle customisation, aftermarket parts and even what it means to own a motorcycle.  

A recent suite of consultations published by the Department for Transport (DfT) include proposals to give the state powers to prevent riders from making modifications to their motorcycles.  MAG has long opposed anti-tampering legislation from Brussels but now the post-Brexit UK Government is making a bid to introduce its own powers to limit what aftermarket motorcycle parts can be bought and sold in the UK.

MAG attended an online webinar hosted by the DfT on the consultation.  MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, was quick to point out to officials that proposals for electric vehicle charging infrastructure simply failed to recognise that the Government also plans to electrify motorcycles.

Colin said:

“I was expecting the lack of motorcycle focus in policies for the charging infrastructure, but the anti-tampering proposals came as a real sucker punch.  As the owner of a motorcycle with less OEM parts than aftermarket ones you can imagine my reaction!  This renewed attack on the right to do with your own property what you wish is not something that I can see many motorcyclists welcoming.  Just look at how many memes appear on social media about pay day and bike parts!  I paid good money for the ownership my motorcycle on the understanding that ownership buys the right to do what I like to it.”

MAG will be meeting with Department officials to gain a full understanding of the implications of the proposals before forming a detailed response to the consultation.  MAG will also discuss these issues with other groups in the National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) and the industry.

The charging infrastructure proposals can be found here:

The anti-tampering proposals can be found here: