Motorcycling to Face Congestion Charges

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG UK) says that proposals contained in Manchester’s congestion charging scheme to charge motorcycles are the thin end of the wedge as cities in the UK wait in line to implement future national road pricing plans.

MAG is amazed that the authorities in Manchester have even considered charging motorcycles, when the London congestion charging scheme has proved successful and beneficial to congestion busting motorcycles.

The proposal for a traffic charging scheme by the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) is aimed to overcome the increasing problems of congestion in this city.

Motorcycles offer a solution to the problem of congestion.

Congestion charging schemes currently exist in Central London and Durham.

In both schemes motorcycles are exempt from the charge because it has been recognised that this form of transport reduces congestion.

MAG believes that motorcycles fulfil a significant role as part of an integrated transport policy by not only relieving traffic congestion but also pollution, whilst enhancing commercial efficiency by cutting the length of journey times to work.

MAG’s Public Affairs Director Trevor Baird, said, “We have a change of Transport Ministers in Gordon Brown’s new cabinet. Stephen Ladyman is replaced by Rosie Winterton, Ruth Kelly has been appointed as the Secretary of State for Transport with the responsibility of rolling out the congestion charge across Greater Manchester, and perhaps she will give Manchester direction in exempting motorcycles in their proposed scheme.”

MAG calls on the authorities in Manchester to recognise the positive contribution that motorcycles make to congestion problems by excluding motorcycles from the Congestion Charging proposals and recognise motorcycling as a legitimate and increasingly popular mode of transport.

Riders can join MAG by signing MAG’s petition and lobby the Manchester Authorities, the Transport Minister, Local MPs and Councillors on our Campaigns website at