TfL needs to up its game on bikers’ safety

David Williams writes in the Evening Standard;

It’s crunch time for motorcycling in London, with its viability as a form of transport hanging in the balance. Last week, three issues threw it into focus; the announcement of Transport for London’s Urban Motorcycle Design Handbook and its pilot novice motorcycle rider training scheme, and the London Assembly attacking TfL for failing to do enough for motorcyclists’ safety.

To read the full article, please follow the link HERE

Below is a letter writen in response to the article from Chair of MAG, Selina Lavender;

Dear Sir,
I was very impressed by David Williams’ well observed and logical analysis of the contradictions in London traffic policy (Evening Standard, 10th March, page 57). As he points out, cyclists are enjoying investment of almost one billion Pounds on road schemes.
The budget for motorcyclists – who share a roughly equivalent accident injury and mortality rate – is zero. The Motorcycle Action Group has long argued for a more common sense approach to these matters, and parity of treatment for all ‘vulnerable road users.’ We’re not anti-cycling, but we are anti-road schemes which absorb vast tracts of road space to create largely empty cycle lanes at the cost of motorcyclists’ safety – and lives.
Credit is due to Valerie Shawcross and her committee for taking a serious and measured look at the issues affecting bikers – who ride machines which reduce congestion, travel time and pollution – and to the Evening Standard for giving space to contradictions which have long vexed the riding community. We only hope that TfL will now demonstrate the same level of common sense as Ms Shawcross and the Evening Standard.

Selina Lavender
Chair, Motorcycle Action Group